Monday, May 26, 2008

Grab a Pear

This lovely work was last week's quilt. I was playing with several of the principles and elements of art, as well as some of the "pseudo-elements" which aren't considered canon "P&E of Art". First, I was working with color. Next, my compostition is circular and "open". I have an odd number of pears, and I am also using transparancy. I got to work with some of the hand dyes from Cherrywood fabrics, which is what gives the pears that velvety look. I really enjoyed making this. It was a bit like Robbi Joy Eklow's works, though that was unintentional until it was finished and I was looking at it.
I also went to Blick Art supply and got myself a portfolio/presentation case for my works to take them to meetings alot easier. I was already asked if I plan to present to galleries. Hmm....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a bit what I feel like after I've eaten a pear. Happy. Colorful. Contrasting. A Bit out of control and loopy.