Monday, August 20, 2012

I know I have been away...

My hand injury I mentioned in my last post is much worse than it initially appeared.  My general practitioner gave me bad advice in immobilizing my finger, which caused some of the ligaments to become shortened, which meant I could not bend my finger without lots of pain.  
I'm now in physical therapy for the finger and it's doing much better!  But, they don't want me sewing until I have zero pain, and we're not there yet.  It's sad to want to make things and not be able to, so I'm trying to suck it up.   I have some doodles that I hope become great quilts once I'm able to sew again....

1 comment:

Jenny Squawk said...

That stinks. Just rest up and get better soon. My back/shoulder/hand thing is coming back so I know injuries are better gone completely than always lingering.