Thursday, June 04, 2009

This and That

Ever get an idea out of your head, executed, and then find yourself a bit drained to even begin the next project? That's where I am right now. The "big" quilt is done. So now what? The next ideas are forming, but taking their time.
I am planning a trip to Indianapolis soon with the group from, and I've been feverishly working on ATCs to trade there. I'm super stoked to be taking the various art classes there... And I get to meet all these folks whom I'd only "met" and know virtually.
I got a netbook, because while I love my Blackberry it doesn't "do" internet the way I need to. Forums, and other sites like that, they don't operate the way they need to for me. So a netbook solves lots of littel travel internet problems for me. This will allow me to keep up with Quilting Arts' Forum, ATCsForAll, plus my various facey-spaces and tweetspots. Now my favorite part will be getting a purse big enough for the netbook. I should make a swanky quilted cover for it.
I'm also working on a new blog header for up there... It's so bland...

This is my 250th blog post! It's my goal to post more often now.

What do you think I should work on (in a meta sense): Patterns for things like the Japanese Dolls and Monsters? Or work on a lecture about my small works to do a local lecture circuit? I put a poll to the right... Give it a try for me?

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